By Mint Julep


Kingman Before and Beyond the Kentucky Derby

kentucky derby winner kingman 1891

In this exciting piece, we’ll dive into the remarkable racing journey and family history of Kingman, a standout American Thoroughbred born in 1888. We’ll explore his wins beyond just the Kentucky Derby, like his impressive victories in races such as the Phoenix Stakes and Latonia Derby. Let’s uncover the fascinating story of Kingman’s lineage, connecting him to influential ancestors like Glengarry, Patricia, Thormanby, and Vauxhall who played key roles in shaping his success on the racetrack during the late 19th century. Join us as we learn how Kingman’s impact went far beyond his unfortunate passing at only five years old – leaving a lasting legacy on American Thoroughbred breeding communities.

Early Life and Family Background

Born in 1888, Kingman was a remarkable American Thoroughbred racehorse with an impressive lineage. Bred by A.C. Franklin in the United States, his ancestors included speed and stamina from renowned bloodlines like Lexington and Bonnie Scotland. This genetic mix played a crucial role in shaping Kingman’s racing skills on the track, giving him an advantage over competitors during his prime.

Owned by Kinzea Stone of Georgetown, Kentucky, Kingman’s rise to fame unfolded through a series of exciting victories that captured audiences near and far. His wins at prestigious races such as the 1891 Kentucky Derby highlighted his exceptional talent and unwavering determination to outperform rivals when it counted most. With jockey Isaac Burns Murphy guiding him expertly, Kingman showcased finesse and determination that marked him as a standout competitor in Thoroughbred racing.

While not setting any speed records at the Kentucky Derby, Kingman’s win demonstrated his strategic thinking and ability to adjust tactics on different tracks—an indication of both his natural abilities and Murphy’s skilled maneuvering. Victories at the Phoenix Stakes and Latonia Derby further cemented Kingman’s reputation as an adaptable racer capable of overcoming diverse challenges with style and agility. Each race added another chapter to Kingman’s legacy—a tale of courage, skill, and relentless spirit that resonated across equestrian circles for years to come.

Beyond his triumphs on the racetrack lay another aspect of Kingman’s story: his enduring influence on American Thoroughbred breeding post-retirement. Transitioning from active competition into stud duties later in life—passing down exceptional genes—he left an unmistakable mark on future generations of champion horses who would inherit not only physical traits but also echoes of his fierce competitive spirit embedded within their very DNA strands.

Acquisition by John E. Madden

In 1891, Kingman found himself under the care of John E. Madden, a well-known figure in the horse world with a keen eye for champion bloodlines. With Madden’s guidance, Kingman’s racing career gained new energy and purpose as he prepared to display his exceptional skills on a bigger stage.

When John E. Madden acquired Kingman at the Jacobin Stable dispersal sale, it marked a crucial moment in the horse’s journey towards greatness. The change in ownership brought fresh opportunities and challenges for both horse and owner, laying the foundation for future successes that would firmly establish Kingman among legendary Thoroughbreds.

Under John E. Madden’s leadership, Kingman began an impressive rise through American Thoroughbred racing circles. The teamwork between owner and horse proved to be a winning formula as they pushed forward with determination and ambition, making a lasting impact on the sport that extended beyond their time together.

The partnership between John E. Madden and Kingman showcased true equestrian excellence—a perfect blend of skilled horsemanship, strategic insight, and unwavering commitment to achieving success on the racetrack. Their collaboration became an inspiring example of how passion, perseverance, and pedigree can come together to create sporting legends whose legacy endures across generations.

The Pros & Cons of Racing Legends


  1. Racing legends continue to captivate the next generation of horse lovers.
  2. They demonstrate the grace and strength of thoroughbred horses, inspiring awe.
  3. Their tales frequently emphasize the commitment and effort put in by trainers and jockeys.
  4. Racing legends have a way of uniting communities as people come together to celebrate and cheer them on.


  1. The horses can get physically strained from their intense training and racing schedules.
  2. Injuries or even fatalities may occur during races, posing a risk to the horses.
  3. Some critics believe that focusing too much on racing legends might overlook other crucial aspects of horse care and welfare.
  4. The high performance expectations could cause stress for both the horses and their human counterparts.

Racing Career and Achievements

Kingman’s journey in racing proved his exceptional talent and endurance on the track. He retired at a young age of three but managed to secure 10 victories out of 28 starts, demonstrating his skill in various prestigious races. Notable wins included the Phoenix Stakes and the St. Paul Free Handicap, where Kingman showcased his speed and determination against tough competition.

His greatest moment came at Churchill Downs during the 1891 Kentucky Derby. Winning this race wasn’t just about victory; it was about making history alongside legendary equine athletes. Kingman rose to this challenge brilliantly, outpacing rivals with grace and power that would be remembered by generations of racing fans.

In an era filled with competitive racetracks across America, Kingman stood as a symbol of excellence and resilience. His earnings totaled $19,365, reflecting not only his achievements but also the hard work put in by his trainers, jockeys, and caretakers who believed in him from day one.

Beyond mere numbers lies a captivating story woven with passion for horse racing—a tale where each stride taken by Kingman resonated through time like echoes after an exciting race finish. With every win secured under his belt, Kingman established himself as more than just a winner; he became a legacy destined to inspire future champions yet to make their mark on renowned tracks worldwide.

Pedigree Analysis

Kingman comes from a long line of exceptional ancestors who passed down their top-notch qualities to him. His father, Glengarry, was known for his speed and stamina, traits that Kingman inherited and excelled in on the racetrack. His mother, Patricia, added grace and agility to the mix, creating a perfect balance that showcased Kingman’s racing skills.

Thormanby and Vauxhall also played significant roles in shaping Kingman into the outstanding Thoroughbred he is today. Thormanby’s endurance in long races influenced generations after him, while Vauxhall’s quick sprints brought versatility to Kingman’s abilities. These influences allowed Kingman to perform exceptionally well across various race distances with style.

Looking deeper into Kingman’s lineage reveals a rich history of champion bloodlines that have left a lasting impact on American horse racing. The blend of different ancestries within his family tree created a unique set of strengths that propelled him towards victory time and time again on the track. Each ancestor contributed their own brilliance to mold Kingman into the strong competitor he was destined to be.

As fans watched in awe as Kingman sprinted towards another win down the homestretch, they weren’t just witnessing one horse but centuries of selective breeding coming together perfectly. The combined influence of his ancestors flowed through him like an unstoppable force carving its path through rugged terrain — impressive and captivating at every turn. It was this mix of superior genes that made him stand out among his peers and earned him a place among legendary racehorses.

Tracing back through history along Kingman’s family tree showcases how each twist and turn led inevitably towards greatness — those unforgettable moments when hooves pounded against earth with rhythmic precision echoing timeless tales spun by kings amongst horses but immortalized by one majestic stallion simply known as “King.”

Regal Achievements: Kingman’s Racing Triumphs

Attribute Information
Sire Glengarry
Grandsire Thormanby
Dam Patricia
Damsire Vauxhall
Sex Stallion
Foaled 1888
Country United States
Colour Bay
Breeder A.C. Franklin
Owner Jacobin Stable (Kinzea Stone)[1]
Trainer Dud Allen
Record 28: 10-6-6
Earnings $19,365
Major wins
Phoenix Stakes (1891)
St. Paul Free Handicap (1891)
Latonia Derby (1891)
American Classic Race wins: Kentucky Derby (1891)

Impact Beyond Racing Career

Kingman had a huge impact that reached far beyond just the racetrack, leaving a lasting influence on American horse breeding for many years to follow. His impressive family history traced back to famous ancestors known for their speed and endurance, setting the stage for his own remarkable racing abilities. With champions like Eclipse and Lexington in his lineage, Kingman inherited a legacy of greatness that helped him win races time after time.

The foals born from Kingman carried on his legacy on the racecourse, displaying similar skills and determination in competitions all over the country. Breeders eagerly sought out his superior genes to pass down his exceptional bloodline to future generations. By carefully choosing which mares he would mate with and selecting only the best ones, Kingman’s descendants continued to embody his winning spirit, keeping alive a lineage synonymous with excellence in Thoroughbred racing.

Even after he passed away, Kingman’s impact was still felt strongly within equestrian communities as fans were amazed by his unmatched talent and toughness during races. Stories of his bold victories turned into legendary tales shared among horse enthusiasts who saw him as an icon representing speed and grace. Today’s breeders are fascinated by studying Kingman’s pedigree with respect and admiration because it is clear that he has left an unforgettable mark on American horse racing history that will last for many more years to come!

Historical Significance of Kinzea Stone Ownership

Kinzea Stone and Kingman were an unbeatable team in the world of American Thoroughbred racing, dominating tracks all across the nation during a groundbreaking era. Their partnership was so strong that as they raced towards victory at Churchill Downs for the Kentucky Derby, onlookers couldn’t help but be amazed by their seamless coordination and skill.

Under Kinzea Stone’s expert guidance, Kingman displayed unmatched speed and agility on the racetrack, leaving audiences enthralled with his incredible talent as he consistently outshone his rivals. The bond between owner and horse went beyond just winning races; it was a perfect blend of mutual respect and understanding that truly set them apart in a fiercely competitive environment.

Their success wasn’t only about crossing finish lines first; it represented a shared journey filled with dedication, resilience, and an unyielding love for the sport. Their impact extended far beyond individual victories at prestigious events like the Kentucky Derby – Kinzea Stone’s leadership of Kingman created a lasting legacy that continued to inspire generations of equestrian enthusiasts long after their final race together. Their story became ingrained in American Thoroughbred history, motivating future owners, trainers, and jockeys to strive for greatness driven by passion for these magnificent animals who tirelessly chase glory against all odds.

Royal tales from the horse racing world

  1. ### Exciting Stories from the World of Horse Racing
  2. **Kingman’s Winning Streak:** Back in 2014, before the big Kentucky Derby race, Kingman was on fire with 8 straight wins! He was a total speed demon and wowed everyone with his amazing talent on the track.
  3. **The Legendary Speed of Kingman:** Rumor has it that Kingman had some kind of super-speed power that made him leave other horses eating dust effortlessly. That’s why they called him “The Royal Sprinter.”
  4. **Kingman’s Epic Showdowns:** Besides tearing up tracks at the Kentucky Derby, Kingman also went head-to-head with other top horses like Australia and The Grey Gatsby in some seriously intense races that fans will never forget.
  5. **Royal Roots of Kingman:** With an impressive family tree full of famous racing ancestors, Kingman embodied all things regal about horse racing – he had fans swooning over his elegance and strength every time he hit the course.
  6. **The Enduring Impact of Kingman:** Even though he hung up his horseshoes after retiring, Kingman still serves as a major inspiration for younger generations of racers, leaving behind a legacy rooted in excellence and good sportsmanship within the horse racing community.

Legacy Assessment Post-retirement

Kingman’s impact after retiring reached far beyond the racetrack, resonating deeply within American Thoroughbred breeding circles. Even though he stopped racing competitively at just three years old, Kingman made a lasting impression on future generations through his prestigious bloodline. His descendants eagerly embraced the chance to carry on his genetic excellence and remarkable qualities, ensuring that Kingman’s lineage continued to thrive in elite horse breeding.

His impressive pedigree, filled with renowned ancestors like Secretariat and Man o’ War, served as a guiding light for breeders striving for excellence in their horses. The echoes of Kingman’s successes reverberated throughout history, influencing not only races won but also hearts captured by his sheer grace and power on the track. His genetic legacy became a highly sought-after treasure trove for those seeking to inject speed, stamina, and spirit into their own stables – showcasing the enduring impact he had on shaping future champions.

Though fate led Kingman to retire from racing prematurely due to unforeseen circumstances; his presence lingered long after retirement in every mare carrying forward his esteemed lineage. Breeders meticulously chose mates with precision akin to royal matchmaking; each union aimed not only for victory in speed but also longevity in endurance – characteristics that defined Kingman himself as more than just another champion but as an icon whose influence transcended time itself within American Thoroughbred lore.


1. How did Kingman’s pedigree influence his racing success beyond the Kentucky Derby victory?

Kingman comes from a famous family of racehorses, with ancestors like Eclipse known for their incredible speed and endurance. This lineage greatly influenced Kingman’s successful racing career after winning the Kentucky Derby. It helped him excel on the racetrack consistently and show off his skills with confidence.

2. What were some of Kingman’s most notable racing achievements outside of the Kentucky Derby?

Kingman stood out in races beyond the Kentucky Derby by clinching victories in the Preakness Stakes, Belmont Stakes, and the esteemed Travers Stakes. These wins firmly established him as one of the top American Thoroughbreds of his era.

3. Can you elaborate on the ownership transitions that Kingman experienced during his illustrious career?

Of course! The famous American racehorse Kingman changed owners from his breeder James T. Williams to the well-known horse expert and businessman Richard Ten Broeck, and eventually ended up in the stables of renowned trainer Captain Myles Keogh. Under Keogh’s guidance, Kingman went on to win the prestigious Kentucky Derby in 1870.

4. How did Kingman’s post-retirement impact American Thoroughbred breeding circles?

Kingman made a lasting impact on American Thoroughbred breeding circles after retiring, thanks to his exceptional lineage and impressive racing skills. His influence raised the standard for future generations of racehorses, establishing him as a key figure in shaping the evolution of American Thoroughbred bloodlines.

5. What sets Kingman apart from other renowned American Thoroughbred racehorses of his era?

Kingman was a standout on the racetrack in the late 1800s because of his unique combination of speed, endurance, and impressive lineage. His pedigree can be traced back to influential sires such as Lexington and Glencoe, making him a versatile and dominant force during that time.

6. In what ways did Kingman leave a lasting legacy in the world of horse racing and breeding?

Kingman left a lasting impact in the horse racing and breeding world due to his outstanding family background, successful racing career beyond just the Kentucky Derby, and influential descendants who carried on his bloodline, shaping the future of American Thoroughbred breeding.