By Mint Julep

Kentucky Derby Winner Kingman 1891

kentucky derby winner kingman 1891

In 1891, at the Kentucky Derby, Kingman’s win made history in horse racing. Let’s go back to that time and uncover what made this race unique – it had the slowest winning time ever recorded at Churchill Downs. We’ll delve into how jockey Isaac Burns Murphy, trainer Dudley Allen, and owner Jacobin Stable crafted a winning strategy that led Kingman to victory against other competitors who were neck-and-neck until the very end of the race.

Kentucky Derby Winner Kingman 1891

The 1891 Kentucky Derby was an unforgettable event where Kingman, ridden by Isaac Burns Murphy, stole the spotlight. Trained by Dudley Allen and owned by Jacobin Stable, this powerful trio made history with a victory that would be remembered for generations. Despite its slow winning time of 2:52.25, Kingman’s triumph represented more than just speed; it showcased resilience, strategy, and sheer determination.

Isaac Burns Murphy’s talent as a jockey shined brightly on that pivotal day at Churchill Downs in May of 1891. His partnership with Kingman demonstrated precision and finesse, proving why he is hailed as one of the greatest jockeys in horse racing history. The connection between horse and rider went beyond mere competition—it symbolized trust, unity, and an unwavering pursuit of excellence that distinguished them from their competitors.

Under Dudley Allen’s expert guidance as trainer, Kingman surpassed expectations and conquered the Kentucky Derby track with grace and power. The careful preparation leading up to the race highlighted Allen’s dedication to his craft—a commitment that paid off handsomely when Kingman crossed the finish line first amidst cheers from spectators amazed by this memorable moment in sports history.

Unprecedented Finish at the Race

In 1891, Kingman won the Kentucky Derby in a truly remarkable fashion, showcasing the importance of smart tactics and unexpected outcomes. Throughout the race, Kingman, Balgowan, Handspring, and Lieutenant Gibson maintained a unique synchronization on the track until they unleashed their speed in the final stretch. The slow pace kept spectators at the edge of their seats as they witnessed history unfold slowly but surely.

Isaac Burns Murphy’s expert jockey skills played a crucial role in navigating this strategic yet unusual race scenario. Known for his exceptional talent and finesse with horses, Murphy skillfully guided Kingman through the cautious approach adopted by all riders that day. His legacy as one of horse racing’s finest jockeys was confirmed by races like these that demanded not only speed but also careful planning.

Under Dudley Allen’s keen training methods, Kingman emerged victorious despite facing unexpected challenges during the race. Allen’s ability to prepare both horse and rider for such unique situations highlighted his expertise in maximizing performance under any circumstances—a quality that undoubtedly contributed significantly to Kingman’s triumph at this historic event.

The Jacobin Stable’s ownership of Kingman further underscored their dedication to excellence within horse racing. Their investment paid off handsomely when their prized steed crossed the finish line first in what would be remembered as one of the most extraordinary Kentucky Derby finishes ever witnessed—proving that sometimes even slower wins can leave an indelible mark on sporting lore.

Looking back now, while some may see it simply as an interesting anomaly due to its record-breaking slowness compared to other editions of The Kentucky Derby,

those who appreciate historical nuances recognize 1891 as more than just about time records—it symbolizes resilience against high odds and tactical brilliance amidst seemingly lackluster moments where true champions shine brightest—in this case literally trotting into immortality with each deliberate step taken towards glory.

The Pros & Cons of Vintage Derby Glory


  1. Holds great historical importance

  2. Captures the essence of early American horse racing

  3. Provides a peek into the former grandeur of the Kentucky Derby

  4. Evokes feelings of nostalgia and admiration for classic sportsmanship


  1. Few genuine artifacts from that time are available

  2. Historical records lack modern technology and conveniences

  3. It is difficult to verify the accuracy of old accounts due to the passage of time

  4. Events may have been romanticized or embellished over time

Notable Participants and Results

The 1891 Kentucky Derby marked a significant moment in horse racing history with Kingman’s surprising win. Jockey Isaac Burns Murphy, known for his exceptional skills, guided Kingman to victory despite the slowest winning time ever recorded at the event. This unexpected triumph captivated audiences and solidified Kingman’s place as a legendary racehorse.

Isaac Burns Murphy, hailed as one of the greatest jockeys of his time, showcased his talent during Kingman’s victorious run. His strong connection with horses was evident as he skillfully navigated Kingman through a challenging course to secure an unlikely win against tough competition. Partnering with trainer Dudley Allen played a crucial role in shaping this historic victory and etching their names into racing folklore.

Dudley Allen not only trained Kingman but also devised a winning strategy that led to this unforgettable moment at Churchill Downs. Under Allen’s guidance, Kingman surpassed expectations by crossing the finish line first ahead of notable contenders like Balgowan ridden by Monk Overton who took second place and High Tariff with Robert “Tiny” Williams finishing third.

The contribution from Jacobin Stable cannot be understated in recounting the story behind Kingman’s triumph at Churchill Downs. Their dedication to nurturing talented horses like Kingmandemonstrated their commitment to excellence within horse racing breeding grounds—credit is given to A.C Franklin from Tennessee for breeding such equine prowess onto tracks where dreams are realized or shattered.

Looking back, each participant—from Isaac Burns Murphy’s expert handling ofKingmanto Dudley Allen’s strategic brilliance—played vital roles in creating an enduring tale within horse racing circles.The 1891 Kentucky Derby wasn’t just any ordinary race; it symbolized resilience,determination,and unbridled passion—a combination that transformed mundane moments into extraordinary memories cherished on racetracks across generations past yet never forgotten

Payout Details

After winning the Kentucky Derby in 1891, Kingman was awarded a prize of $4,550 as the champion. The second-place finisher received $300 while the third-place contender took home $150.

Kingman set a record for the slowest winning time in Kentucky Derby history back in 1891 by completing the race in two minutes and fifty-two seconds over a mile and a half distance. This unique achievement stands out from the typically fast-paced finishes seen at horse racing events.

Not only did Kingman’s win showcase his exceptional abilities as a horse, but it also highlighted Isaac Burns Murphy’s remarkable skills as a jockey. Murphy emerged as one of the most celebrated African American jockeys of that era, leaving behind an enduring legacy within horse racing circles.

With expert training from Dudley Allen, Kingman defied all expectations to secure victory at Churchill Downs. Allen’s strategic guidance played a crucial role in preparing Kingman for success on race day, demonstrating his expertise as a trainer.

The support and dedication shown by Jacobin Stable during this iconic moment solidified their position among esteemed names associated with significant triumphs in horse racing history. Their involvement added depth to Kingman’s historic victory at the prestigious Kentucky Derby of 1891.

Race Results: Top Finishers and Their Performances

Finished Post Horse Jockey Trainer Owner Time / behind
1st 3 Kingman Isaac Murphy Dudley Allen Jacobin Stable 2:52.25
2nd 4 Balgowan Monk Overton Thomas J. Clay 1/2
3rd 1 High Tariff Robert "Tiny" Williams Augustus Eastin & Samuel E. Larabie 1
4th 2 Hart Wallace Thomas Kiley Bashford Manor Stable 1/2

Historical Significance of Kingman’s Victory

Kingman’s victory at the 1891 Kentucky Derby is a moment etched in horse racing history, despite not being the fastest. It stands out for the unique circumstances during the race and the remarkable combination of jockey-trainer-owner that led to success.

Isaac Burns Murphy, known as one of the best jockeys of his time, skillfully guided Kingman through a crowded field towards glory. His expertise on horseback was crucial in overcoming challenges during the race, showing why he was highly respected within racing circles.

Under Dudley Allen’s smart training, Kingman emerged as a strong contender well-prepared for prestigious events like The Kentucky Derby. Allen’s dedication to nurturing Kingman’s talents shone brightly on that fateful day when history was made against all odds.

The collaboration between Jacobin Stable’s ownership contribution and their belief in Kingman’s potential highlighted this iconic moment even amidst adversity. Their unwavering faith in their prized colt paid off handsomely on an overcast day where perseverance triumphed over pure speed.

Kingman’s legacy endures not only because of his slower winning time but because it symbolizes grit, determination, and how each stride toward victory resonates across generations immersing enthusiasts into tales woven from historical victories like these—forever engraved into horse racing lore.

Impact on Subsequent Derbies

Kingman’s victory in the 1891 Kentucky Derby set a new standard, not just for that race but also for future Derbies. His win, although it was the slowest ever recorded at that time, emphasized the importance of strategy and determination in horse racing history. Jockey Isaac Burns Murphy’s unconventional tactics on Kingman demonstrated a fresh approach to achieving success on the racetrack.

Isaac Burns Murphy’s reputation as one of America’s most celebrated jockeys was further solidified with his impressive ride during Kingman’s triumph. Known for his exceptional skill and deep understanding of horses’ abilities, Murphy showed how vital it is to adapt quickly and make split-second decisions during races like the Kentucky Derby. His partnership with trainer Dudley Allen showcased teamwork and trust between rider and trainer—a powerful combination that would influence future collaborations within the sport.

Dudley Allen’s role as Kingman’s trainer added complexity to this memorable victory story. Allen’s careful training techniques leading up to the Derby significantly contributed to Kingman’s readiness for such a tough event. The meticulous attention given to every detail—from diet plans to workout routines—demonstrated a dedication rarely seen before in horse racing circles at that time.

The investment from Jacobin Stable must be acknowledged when discussing Kingman’s impact on subsequent Derbies. Their commitment to acquiring top-tier talent like Kingman indicated a shift towards valuing quality over quantity—a trend shaping future approaches by owners seeking success at Churchill Downs and other premier racetracks nationwide.

In essence, Kingman’s win wasn’t solely about finishing first; it was about surpassing expectations, showcasing strategic brilliance amidst challenges, and establishing an enduring legacy within American horse racing history—an impact felt well beyond May 11th, 1891—the day he created history at Churchill Downs.

Royal tales and timeless legends of Kingman

  1. Royal stories and timeless myths of Kingman:

  2. In 1891, Kingman won the Kentucky Derby with his incredible speed and stamina, setting a high bar for future champions to aim for.

  3. Rumor has it that an old fortune teller predicted Kingman's victory at the Kentucky Derby with astonishing accuracy, adding mystery to his already impressive legacy.

  4. Despite facing tough competition from other famous racehorses of his time, Kingman's determination and composure under pressure earned him the title of one of history's greatest Derby winners, securing his place in horse racing folklore.

  5. Stories about Kingman's majestic presence and graceful stride have been passed down through generations, sparking admiration among both equestrian enthusiasts and casual fans alike.

  6. Even today, Kingman remains synonymous with greatness as his legacy continues to enthrall imaginations – reminding us of the enduring allure and power of the Kentucky Derby along with its legendary champions.

Legacy of Isaac Burns Murphy

Isaac Burns Murphy, an influential jockey of African American heritage, wasn’t just any rider; he was a master on horseback. His partnership with Kingman in the 1891 Kentucky Derby wasn’t only about winning—it represented breaking barriers and making history. The triumph at Churchill Downs that day highlighted his skills as a jockey who overcame racial biases to become a highly admired figure in horse racing.

When Kingman crossed the finish line in what turned out to be the slowest time ever for a Kentucky Derby winner, clocking an unusually sluggish pace of two minutes and fifty-two seconds, it was not speed but sheer determination and expertise that defined their victory. This unique record only added to the intrigue surrounding this legendary win—a tribute to Murphy’s strategic prowess and Kingman’s grit on the track.

The collaboration between Isaac Burns Murphy and Dudley Allen, Kingman’s trainer, proved to be truly magical. Under Allen’s guidance, every step taken by both man and beast resonated with precision—each action calculated towards greatness. Their harmony evolved into synergy during that critical race day when they surpassed expectations while etching their names in equestrian folklore forevermore.

As members of Jacobin Stable—an ownership group recognized for its pursuit of excellence—the team behind Kingman understood that real success lay not solely in victories but also in leaving an enduring mark on the sport itself. Through rigorous training sessions under Allen’s watchful eye and Murphy’s expert handling during races like the Kentucky Derby, they established themselves as champions among champions—a legacy unmatched by many even years later.

Isaac Burns Murphy didn’t simply ride horses; he moved gracefully alongside them across tracks worldwide—and beside Kingman at Churchill Downs one spring afternoon—he strolled straight into immortality within horse racing circles everywhere. His story isn’t just about wins or titles; it embodies resilience against adversity, grace under pressure—all encapsulated within each thunderous gallop toward glory amidst cheering crowds craving excitement beyond mere competition.

Trainer Dudley Allen’s Contribution

In 1891, Kingman’s win at the Kentucky Derby became a major milestone in horse racing history. It set the record for the slowest winning time ever seen in this prestigious event, showcasing how thrilling and unpredictable this sport can be. Despite the leisurely pace of the race, spectators were on edge as Isaac Burns Murphy skillfully guided Kingman to victory, proving his exceptional jockey skills.

The teamwork between trainer Dudley Allen and jockey Isaac Burns Murphy was key to securing Kingman’s triumph at Churchill Downs that day. Their careful planning and strategic approach highlighted their dedication to excellence in every aspect of horse racing. With Dudley Allen paying close attention to detail to ensure Kingman’s readiness for success, coupled with Isaac Burns Murphy’s expert riding bringing out the best in the champion thoroughbred—it was a true demonstration of teamwork and commitment within this exciting sport.

The Jacobin Stable’s ownership played a significant role in molding Kingman into a strong contender for the 1891 Kentucky Derby. Their unyielding support provided financial stability and emotional encouragement for Trainer Dudley Allen, Jockey Isaac Burns Murphy, and most importantly—Kingman—to shine brightly on one of racing’s biggest stages. This trio of talent seamlessly came together on race day, leaving an enduring legacy in horse racing history that will be remembered by generations to come.

Owner Jacobin Stable’s Triumph

In 1891, the Kentucky Derby witnessed a historic moment when Jacobin Stable’s horse, Kingman, emerged victorious. Despite facing tough competition that day, Kingman triumphed under trainer Dudley Allen’s expert guidance. Even though it was the slowest winning time in Derby history, the victory added to its charm and significance.

Isaac Burns Murphy’s exceptional jockey skills were crucial in leading Kingman to success at the 1891 Kentucky Derby. His expertise on the racetrack played a key role in securing this memorable win for Jacobin Stable. Murphy’s legacy remains unmatched, showcasing his incredible talent and dedication to horse racing.

The collaboration between owner Jacobin Stable, trainer Dudley Allen, jockey Isaac Burns Murphy, and ultimately Kingman himself was essential for their victory at the 1891 Kentucky Derby. Each member of this team brought something unique – from ownership support to training abilities and expert riding skills. Together they created a legendary chapter in racing history that still captivates fans worldwide.

Kingman’s win exemplifies perseverance and teamwork within horse racing. The combination of talents among owner Jacobin Stable’s visionaries turned an ordinary race day into an unforgettable moment etched forever in history books as each hoofbeat resonated like music notes composed by fate during that iconic run towards glory!

Enduring Record Set by Kingman

Kingman’s win in the 1891 Kentucky Derby was truly remarkable. He crossed the finish line after running 1.5 miles in just 2 hours and 52 minutes, setting a record that still stands today over a century later. This slow pace has captured the attention of horse racing fans around the world, showing how Kingman defied expectations to claim victory on that memorable day at Churchill Downs.

During the race, Kingman showed great determination and skill as he maneuvered through the muddy track with jockey Isaac Burns Murphy guiding him expertly. Their teamwork led to a historic win, marking it as one of the most celebrated moments in American horse racing history.

Thanks to trainer Dudley Allen’s careful planning and Jacobin Stable’s unwavering support, Kingman achieved an incredible feat against all odds. This enduring achievement isn’t just about a slow race; it represents a moment where talent, teamwork, and perseverance combined to make history at Churchill Downs—a story forever etched into Kentucky Derby legend for generations to come.


1. What made Kingman's victory in the 1891 Kentucky Derby so historically significant?

Kingman made history by winning the 1891 Kentucky Derby with the slowest winning time ever recorded. This victory highlighted the exceptional skills of jockey Isaac Burns Murphy, trainer Dudley Allen, and the valuable contribution of Jacobin Stable to this legendary moment in horse racing history.

2. Who was Isaac Burns Murphy and what role did he play in Kingman's win at the Derby?

The famous jockey Isaac Burns Murphy made history by guiding Kingman to a win in the 1891 Kentucky Derby. This victory was a groundbreaking moment for horse racing.

3. How did Dudley Allen contribute to Kingman's success as a trainer leading up to the 1891 Kentucky Derby?

Dudley Allen worked hard to train Kingman, making sure he was in top shape and ready for the race. This dedication paid off when they won the 1891 Kentucky Derby.

4. What were the unique circumstances surrounding Kingman's victory, including the slowest winning time in Derby history?

Kingman won the 1891 Kentucky Derby with the slowest winning time ever recorded in Derby history. This showcased his outstanding performance under jockey Isaac Burns Murphy, trainer Dudley Allen, and the ownership of Jacobin Stable.

5. Can you elaborate on Jacobin Stable's ownership and their impact on Kingman's triumph at the 1891 Kentucky Derby?

Dudley Allen's Jacobin Stable had a crucial part in helping Kingman achieve his memorable win at the 1891 Kentucky Derby. This highlighted their sharp talent-spotting skills and deep commitment to horse racing.

6. How did Kingman's win in the 1891 Kentucky Derby influence future horse racing events and legacies within the sport?

In the 1891 Kentucky Derby, Kingman won even though it was the slowest victory time ever. This win highlighted jockey Isaac Burns Murphy's amazing skills, trainer Dudley Allen's expertise, and Jacobin Stable's important role in ownership. It left a lasting impact by showing how strategy, perseverance, and teamwork are crucial in horse racing.