By Mint Julep

Lieut. Gibson Kentucky Derby Winner 1900

lieut gibson kentucky derby winner 1900

In 1900, the Kentucky Derby was won by Lieut. Gibson, an impressive Thoroughbred horse with a prestigious lineage. Jockey Jimmy Boland skillfully guided Lieut. Gibson to victory at Churchill Downs in this renowned Grade I stakes race. The horse, owned by Charles H. Smith and trained by Charles H. Hughes, not only secured a significant prize but also made a lasting impact on the history of horse racing through its record-breaking speed and endurance display in that historic event back in time at the turn of the century!

Lieut. Gibson’s Background and Early Life

Lieutenant Gibson’s Early Years:

Lieutenant Gibson, the amazing racehorse who triumphed at the famous 1900 Kentucky Derby, had a remarkable background that set him apart. Born from exceptional lineage, this incredible horse came from a family of champions—his bloodline was filled with greatness and strength.

Lieutenant Gibson wasn’t just an ordinary competitor; he displayed grace and power on the racetrack like few others could match during his time. Each powerful stride left spectators amazed, as if he were creating a masterpiece with every step—a true artist in motion.

Under Charles H. Hughes’ guidance, Lieutenant Gibson blossomed into a legendary racehorse—a result of expert training combined with natural talent that seemed destined for success under the bright lights of Churchill Downs.

The partnership between Lieutenant Gibson and Charles H. Smith went beyond ownership—it was a bond built on shared aspirations and unwavering commitment to seeing Lieutenant Gibson achieve his full potential on race day after days of intense preparation leading up to that important Derby afternoon.

In an era where speed ruled and competition was fierce, Lieutenant Gibson emerged not only as a winner but also as a symbol—an inspiration for those who dared to dream big beyond what society expected—who knew what incredible things awaited when destiny met determination head-on?

The 26th Running of the Kentucky Derby

At the 1900 Kentucky Derby, Lieut. Gibson, with jockey Jimmy Boland on board and under the training of the renowned Charles H. Hughes, achieved a remarkable win that left spectators in awe. They set a new record for the event with an impressive time of 2:06.25, surpassing all other competitors on that unforgettable day.

This victory wasn’t just about winning a race; it represented a significant moment in horse racing history during that era when trainer Charles H. Hughes and owner Charles H. Smith meticulously prepared their standout contender for success at Churchill Downs.

As Lieut. Gibson dashed past the finish line to claim victory at Churchill Downs, it was more than just finishing first; it symbolized pushing boundaries and redefining what was achievable in horse racing at that time – highlighting bravery, strategy, and unwavering determination coming together to create an enduring moment preserved forever in sporting lore.”

The Pros & Cons of Vintage Derby Victories


  1. Vintage wins in horse races give us a peek into the cool history and traditions of racing.

  2. They show us how racing gear, techniques, and strategies have changed over time.

  3. These wins can make us feel nostalgic and connected to past winners.

  4. Looking at old derby victories can help today's trainers and jockeys learn valuable lessons.

  5. They remind us how awesome and thrilling the Kentucky Derby is.

  6. Old derby wins help keep alive the sport's legacy and history.


  1. Past races were very different from how they are now.

  2. We don't have a lot of information about how horses were trained or cared for back then.

  3. Some old derby wins might be less impressive due to disagreements over the results.

  4. It can be hard to fully understand and enjoy these historic victories without videos or detailed stories.

  5. People today might not find it easy to connect with the competition and values of that time period.

  6. Older races didn't have all the technology and medical care we have now, which could make us worry about how animals were treated.

Jimmy Boland: the Jockey Behind the Victory

During the 1900 Kentucky Derby, Jimmy Boland showcased his exceptional horse riding skills alongside Lieut. Gibson, forming a winning team that left a mark in horse racing history. Boland expertly maneuvered through the challenging course with finesse and determination, guiding Lieut. Gibson to a memorable victory.

Boland’s strategic decisions and perfect timing throughout the race demonstrated his deep understanding of both horses and tracks. As they raced toward the finish line, it was Boland’s calculated moves that pushed Lieut. Gibson ahead of their competitors by a significant margin. His ability to assess race conditions and react accordingly established him as an outstanding jockey of his time.

The partnership between Jimmy Boland and Lieut. Gibson represented more than just a win; it embodied dedication, trust, and unwavering commitment to excellence in the demanding world of horse racing. Their triumph at the 1900 Kentucky Derby not only secured their places in sporting history but also inspired future generations of jockeys striving for greatness on racetracks worldwide.

Trainer Charles H. Hughes’ Strategy

In 1900, the famous trainer Charles H. Hughes worked hard to get Lieut. Gibson ready for the tough Kentucky Derby race. He used his expertise in training and planning to help Lieut.

Gibson perform at his best on race day.

With Hughes guiding him carefully, Lieut. Gibson showed amazing strength and stamina as he got ready for the big event.

Hughes was known for paying close attention to detail, making sure that every part of Lieut. Gibson’s training, diet, and rest were just right to boost his chances of success at the Kentucky Derby.

Thrilling Finish: Race Results and Standings

Finished Post Horse Jockey Trainer Owner Time / behind
1st Lieut. Gibson Jimmy Boland Charles H. Hughes Charles H. Smith 2:06.50
2nd Florizar Clyde Van Dusen Hiram J. Scoggan Hiram J. Scoggan 3
3rd Thrive James Winkfield Julius C. Cahn Julius C. Cahn 2
4th Highland Lad Richard Crowhurst Hiram J. Scoggan Hiram J. Scoggan 1
5th His Excellency Gilmore Thomas Clay McDowell Thomas Clay McDowell 3
6th Kentucky Farmer Monk Overton Woodford & Buckner nose
7th Hindus Harry Vititoe John H. Morris George J. Long 8

Owner Charles H. Smith’s Triumph

At the 1900 Kentucky Derby, Charles H. Smith, the proud owner of Lieut. Gibson, achieved a major milestone that left an unforgettable mark on horse racing history. His dedication to developing talented horses reached its peak when Lieut.

Gibson crossed the finish line as the victorious winner.

This success wasn’t just luck; it was a result of Smith’s sharp talent-spotting skills and unwavering commitment to breeding and training racehorses with excellence in mind. Countless hours of meticulous planning, making strategic decisions, and pouring his heart into the sport all played a part in Lieut. Gibson’s triumphant victory.

Smith’s strong management abilities were instrumental in guiding Lieut. Gibson towards triumph during a time filled with intense competition from well-known owners like Jimmy Boland and Charles H. Hughes who were also aiming for victory at racetracks across America. Despite facing tough challenges from experienced rivals, Smith’s perseverance shined through as he led his beloved horse to glory against all odds.

Historical Significance of Lieut. Gibson’s Win

Lieutenant Gibson’s remarkable win at the 1900 Kentucky Derby not only broke a new record but also solidified his place in horse racing history as an outstanding champion who conquered tough competition to seize victory at Churchill Downs.

Following tradition, Lieutenant Gibson, the victor of the 1900 Kentucky Derby, was awarded a generous purse of $4,850 for prevailing in this prestigious Grade I stakes race. This highlights both the financial rewards and recognition that come with triumphing in such esteemed competitions.

Lieutenant Gibson’s legacy as the triumphant winner of the 26th edition of the Kentucky Derby lives on through his exceptional performance and significant impact on shaping horse racing during that period.

The intense rivalry among horses like Florizar, Thrive, and Highland Lad challenging Lieutenant Gibson at Churchill Downs added excitement and unpredictability to the outcome ofthe 1900KentuckyDerby. Spectators were captivated by thrilling displays of speed and endurance onthe racetrack.

Lieutenant Gibson’s incredible achievement in setting a winning timeof2:06 .50attheKentuckyDerbynotonly sealedhisvictorybutalsoestablishedanewrecordforthespeedycompletionoft h e r ace,eventually earning him legendary statusamongsttheracesatChurchillDowns.

Fascinating Lore Surrounding Lieut. Gibson's Derby Triumph

  1. The story goes that a local fortune teller predicted Lieut. Gibson's Kentucky Derby win months in advance, foreseeing glory and riches for the horse's owners.

  2. Some believe Lieut. Gibson won the 1900 Kentucky Derby because he was the seventh horse to claim victory in this prestigious event – a number considered lucky across various cultures.

  3. Speculations abound about Lieut. Gibson's enigmatic background, with whispers suggesting he descended from a renowned lineage of speedy and resilient thoroughbreds.

  4. Legend has it that before riding in the Kentucky Derby, Lieut. Gibson’s jockey performed superstitious rituals like wearing a talisman for luck and chanting ancient incantations.

  5. As per astrologers at that time, the stars aligned perfectly on the day of Lieutenant Gibson’s triumph at the Derby, indicating a celestial blessing that guaranteed his win and cemented his place in racing lore.


1. Who was Lieut. Gibson and what made his victory at the 1900 Kentucky Derby so significant?

Lieutenant Gibson, an extraordinary racehorse, overcame all obstacles to win the 1900 Kentucky Derby. This victory highlighted his exceptional skills and secured his place in the history of horse racing forever.

2. How did Jimmy Boland play a role in Lieut. Gibson's success at the Kentucky Derby?

Jimmy Boland made a smart choice to ride Lieut. Gibson in the 1900 Kentucky Derby, even though he was not the stable's first pick. This decision played a key role in helping the horse win and become famous afterward.

3. What challenges did Lieut. Gibson face leading up to the 1900 Kentucky Derby, and how did he overcome them?

Lieut. Gibson took on the challenge of being an underdog with limited racing experience, but he conquered it by demonstrating his exceptional talent and unwavering determination to emerge victorious in the 1900 Kentucky Derby, surpassing all expectations.

4. Who were some of the key figures involved in Lieut. Gibson's victory, such as Charles H. Hughes and Charles H. Smith?

Charles H. Hughes, who owned Lieut. Gibson, and Charles H. Smith, the jockey who expertly rode the horse to victory, played crucial roles in the incredible win at the 1900 Kentucky Derby.

5. How did Lieut. Gibson's win at the 1900 Kentucky Derby impact the landscape of horse racing during that era?

Lieutenant Gibson's win at the 1900 Kentucky Derby highlighted the incredible skills of African American jockey Jimmy Boland and trainer Charles H. Hughes. Their victory broke down racial barriers in horse racing, opening doors for more diversity and inclusion in the sport.

6. What set Lieut. Gibson apart from other horses competing in the 1900 Kentucky Derby, and how did his victory shape his legacy in horse racing history?

Lieutenant Gibson's incredible speed, along with his impressive win at the 1900 Kentucky Derby, firmly established him as a standout champion in horse racing history. He defied the odds and made a lasting impact on the sport with this remarkable victory.