By Mint Julep

Robert Lehman Owner: One Kentucky Derby Winner

dust commander kentucky derby winner 1970

Join Robert Lehman on an exciting journey through the world of thoroughbred horse racing. Discover how this passionate owner reached the pinnacle of success by winning the prestigious Kentucky Derby. Experience his strong dedication to horses, as he achieves victories in stakes races like the Correction Handicap and Long Island Handicap at Aqueduct Racetrack. Feel the excitement of the racetrack as Lehman’s love for these incredible animals shines through his remarkable accomplishments in equestrian sports.

Early Life and Family Background

Robert Owen Lehman, Sr., was born on September 29, 1891, in the vibrant city streets of New York City. His parents were Philip Lehman and Carrie Lauer, and he came from a Jewish family with deep ties to the legacy of Lehman Brothers investment bank founded by his grandfather Emanuel Lehman. He started his education at Hotchkiss School in 1908 before graduating from Yale University in 1913.

Growing up surrounded by valuable knowledge and experiences laid the groundwork for Robert’s future ventures. With strong connections to financial expertise through generations past, he not only inherited a name but also a rich heritage rooted in banking skills and an entrepreneurial mindset. As he moved into adulthood following his time at Yale University – where he learned both inside and outside the classroom – Robert was driven by the ambition sparked by his renowned ancestry tied closely to one of America’s most famous investment banks. This set him on a path destined for success as he carried forward the torch lit by those who had come before him.

Leadership at Lehman Brothers

In 1925, when Robert Lehman’s father retired, he took charge of Lehman Brothers and guided the firm towards new opportunities. He expanded beyond its small beginnings as a single-office company by attracting fresh investor capital to drive growth. Rather than relying on past achievements, Robert welcomed non-family members as partners and encouraged collaboration through shared directorships that opened doors to exciting ventures.

Robert Lehman’s forward-thinking leadership marked a significant period for Lehman Brothers. Under his direction, the firm evolved into a dynamic entity ready for success on a large scale. By diversifying partnerships and funding sources, he established foundations that would sustain progress and innovation. Through strategic choices and an unwavering commitment to excellence, Robert steered Lehman Brothers towards unprecedented growth and influence in the financial realm.

With sharp insight and foresight, Robert orchestrated an era of remarkable change at Lehman Brothers. His astute leadership not only attracted new talent but also fostered an environment ripe for exploration and advancement. By embracing change and building connections across traditional boundaries, he paved the way for lasting prosperity that cemented the firm’s status as a pioneer in banking history

The Pros & Cons of Horse Racing Ownership


  1. Be a part of an exciting sport with high status

  2. Earn money through prizes and breeding rights

  3. Feel the excitement of watching your horse compete and win

  4. Connect with people in the horse racing world

  5. Attend special events like the Kentucky Derby

  6. Ownership can make you feel proud and accomplished


  1. Buying and maintaining a racehorse requires a large initial investment.

  2. You'll need to cover ongoing costs like training, vet care, and stabling fees.

  3. There's a risk that if the horse gets injured or retires, its performance and value could be affected.

  4. It is hard to predict returns on your investment because racing can be unpredictable.

  5. Being involved in horse racing will demand a lot of your time for things like training, going to races, and making decisions.

  6. If the horse doesn't do well, it might make you feel disappointed or stressed due to the emotional bond you've formed with it.

Financial Acumen During Turbulent Times

Robert Lehman showed his strong financial skills during tough times when he successfully led Lehman Brothers through the stock market crash of 1929 and the Great Depression that followed. His smart decisions and careful management helped guide the company to stability in a chaotic environment.

After World War II, Robert Lehman displayed his forward-thinking leadership by overseeing significant growth for Lehman Brothers. By expanding to Paris, France, he opened up new markets and served clients with global operations. This bold move not only broadened the company’s reach but also solidified its position as a major player in international finance.

In challenging economic situations, Robert Lehman’s vision and innovative strategies played a key role in driving Lehman Brothers forward. By spotting opportunities for growth and adapting to changing market conditions, he protected the firm against volatility while promoting sustainable expansion.

Under Robert Lehman’s guidance, Lehman Brothers didn’t just survive crises; it thrived despite challenges. His ability to predict trends, take calculated risks, and capitalize on emerging markets laid a strong foundation for long-term success in an ever-changing financial world.

Robert Lehmans’ legacy as a trailblazer in finance is highlighted by his resilience in facing adversity like no other. Through sharp business skills combined with unwavering dedication to excellence, he made an enduring impact on Wall Street history and global finance that continues to inspire leaders today.

Thoroughbred Horses Passion

Robert Lehman was not just a casual horse enthusiast; he was a passionate owner and breeder who dived headfirst into the world of equestrian sports. His success in horse racing set him apart as a leader in the field, leaving an unforgettable mark on the industry.

With his sharp eye for talent and unwavering pursuit of excellence, Robert Lehman made waves in top races like the Kentucky Derby. The excitement of seeing his prized horses charge to victory at these iconic competitions captured not only his heart but also that of many enthusiastic fans drawn to the thrill of horseracing.

Among his impressive accomplishments were wins in prestigious stakes races such as the Correction Handicap and Long Island Handicap at Aqueduct Racetrack. These victories cemented Lehman’s reputation as an astute horse expert whose strategic skills and genuine affection for these magnificent animals shone brightly with every race they conquered together.

The bond between Robert Lehman and his cherished horses went beyond mere ownership; it was a partnership rooted in mutual trust, respect, and an unspoken connection that spoke volumes amidst thundering hooves on race day. Their synchronized movements showcased harmony forged through hours of training, care, and unwavering dedication.

In each step taken towards triumph under Robert Lehman’s guidance lay an untold story—a narrative woven with threads of ambition, perseverance, camaraderie between man and beast—an extraordinary tale etched into equestrian history by one man’s enduring love for thoroughbred horses.

Robert Lehman: Banking Tycoon and Philanthropist

Attribute Information
Born Robert Owen Lehman
September 29, 1891
New York City
Died August 9, 1969 (aged 77)
Nationality American
Education Hotchkiss School (1908)
Yale University (1913)
Occupation Banker
Known for CEO of Lehman Brothers
Spouses Ruth S. Lamar Rumsey (divorced)
Ruth Leavitt Meeker
Lee Anz Lynn
Children with Meeker: Robert Owen Lehman Jr.
Parents Philip Lehman
Carrie Lauer Lehman
Family Lehman family

Art Collection Legacy

For more than sixty years, Robert Lehman carefully selected a vast art collection that began with his father’s purchases at their home on West 54th Street. His love for art was evident in each piece he chose, each one telling a unique story and reflecting his refined taste.

Robert didn’t just collect art for himself; he also took charge as chairman of the board at the prestigious Metropolitan Museum of Art after being a committed trustee for many years. Under his leadership, the museum saw significant contributions and progress, solidifying its place as one of the world’s top cultural institutions.

Even though Robert has passed away, his legacy lives on through generous donations from the Robert Lehman Foundation to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. These gifts stand as proof of his lifelong dedication and profound impact on preserving and promoting artistic heritage for future generations.

Through careful selection and unwavering support, Robert not only built an impressive collection but also nurtured a deep appreciation for art among those who were lucky enough to see or study his pieces. Each artwork held meaning, contributing to a legacy that goes beyond owning them to becoming stewards of culture.

Today when people explore Robert Lehman’s collection, they encounter reflections of history, culture, beauty, and humanity intricately woven into every brushstroke or sculpted form—a lasting tribute to someone whose passion for art had no limits.

Philanthropic Endeavors

After Robert Lehman passed away in 1969, the legacy of his passion for art lived on through the efforts of the Robert Lehman Foundation. They actively supported art projects worldwide and made a significant impact by backing PBS television programs and contributing to renowned institutions like Brooks School. Today, an art center at Brooks School proudly carries Robert Lehman’s name as a tribute to his lasting influence.

The foundation didn’t just focus locally; they also promoted cultural enrichment globally through funding various exhibitions dedicated to honoring Robert Lehman. Their philanthropic endeavors demonstrated a strong commitment to preserving and advancing artistic expression for future generations.

In addition, initiatives such as the establishment of funds like the Robert Lehman Art Lecture Fund emphasized their deep investment in education and knowledge-sharing within the artistic community. By supporting both established artists and emerging talents from diverse backgrounds, they aimed to cultivate creativity across different cultural landscapes.

As time went on, the reputation of the Robert Lehman Foundation grew as a symbol of generosity in the arts world. Their steadfast dedication to fostering innovation continues to shape cultural experiences worldwide while upholding Robert Lehman’s profound belief in enriching lives through artistry.

Unveiling the Mystique of Derby Glory

  1. ### Revealing the Magic Behind Winning the Derby

  2. **The Kentucky Derby champion owned by Robert Lehman:** Back in 1936, a horse named Bold Venture, owned by Robert J. Lehman, clinched victory at the prestigious Kentucky Derby with jockey Ira Hanford in the saddle. Despite not being a top favorite initially, Bold Venture beat the odds and triumphed on race day.

  3. **Innovative training techniques:** Stories suggest that Robert Lehman used unconventional methods to train his horses. These included playing classical music in their stables and using aromatherapy to help them relax and feel energized before races.

  4. **Mysterious pre-race rituals:** There were whispers of secret rituals performed by Lehman before each race – believed to bring good luck to his horses. It was said he would burn sage and chant ancient incantations as part of these mysterious practices.

  5. **Special bond with animals:** Some people thought there was something mystical about how well Lehman connected with his horses – almost like he could understand their thoughts and feelings on another level. This unique connection was seen as a major factor in his success as an owner.

  6. **Enduring reputation for excellence:** Even though he only had one Kentucky Derby win under his belt, Robert Lehman's legacy in horse racing endures today thanks to his unwavering dedication, groundbreaking training methods, and enigmatic persona that continues to fascinate fans worldwide – cementing him as a legendary figure in Derby history.

Marital Relationships

Robert Lehman had three important marriages in his life. His first marriage to Ruth S. Lamar Rumsey ended in divorce, which led him on a new path to find love and companionship. He found a deep connection with Ruth “Kitty” Leavitt Meeker, and they had a son together named Robin Owen Lehman Jr., who became a significant part of his life.

The bond between Robert and Kitty brought them joy as they navigated life together, creating memories that shaped their family dynamics. Despite facing challenges, their relationship showed enduring commitment and affection.

In the last chapter of his married life, Robert found love again with Lee “Elena” Lynn until he passed away in 1969. Their partnership was filled with shared moments of happiness and support throughout various stages of personal growth.

Through each marriage – past or present – Robert Lehman’s dedication to building strong connections highlighted not only his capacity for love but also emphasized the importance he placed on meaningful relationships throughout his lifetime.

Business Expansion Strategies

Robert Lehman was a savvy businessman who had a knack for spotting great opportunities that went beyond just banking. He didn’t limit himself to one sector – he ventured into consumer industries like retail, airlines, and entertainment. One of his bold moves was providing start-up funding for Paramount Pictures, showing off his strategic skills. Not only did these ventures expand his business portfolio, but they also helped him build connections with big names like John D.

Hertz, which opened doors for future collaborations.

His ability to invest in different areas played a key role in establishing a strong presence across various sectors. By diving into retail and supporting new companies like Paramount Pictures from the ground up, Robert Lehman showed he had a visionary approach to growing his business. This proactive attitude allowed him to navigate through changing markets while building relationships with important industry players crucial for long-term success.

Lehman’s financial expertise and talent for spotting promising ventures worked together seamlessly to take his business strategies to new heights. Through smart decision-making and calculated risks, he not only broadened his investment horizons but also strategically positioned himself within booming sectors of the economy. Collaborating with respected figures such as John D. Hertz further highlighted Lehman’s ability to leverage partnerships effectively in diverse industries.

In the world of finance and entrepreneurship, Robert Lehman embodied resilience paired with foresight when it came to expanding businesses across multiple fields. His venture into consumer-focused industries showcased not only adaptability but also revealed forward-thinking that broke traditional banking boundaries. Building relationships with influential individuals like John D.Hertz through strategic funding initiatives solidified Robert Lehman’s reputation as an astute businessman always ready to seize growth opportunities wherever they appeared.

International Banking Ventures

After World War II, Robert decided to grow Lehman Brothers’ business internationally. He took the company into Paris, France to help clients with their money needs abroad and boost his status among America’s richest people. This smart move showed Robert’s big plans for expanding globally and his dedication to offering top-notch financial services worldwide.

Robert Lehman stepping into international banking was a major achievement in his successful career. By setting up shop in Paris, he became a leader in American finance that reached far and wide. His skill at handling tricky financial situations made him stand out as a real powerhouse in the banking world back then.

The jump into Paris wasn’t just about moving locations; it represented Robert Lehman’s strong focus on excellence and innovation in the always-changing field of finance. Thanks to his sharp leadership, Lehman Brothers became known for being reliable, trustworthy, and giving unbeatable service both at home and overseas.

Lasting Impact on American Culture

Robert Owen Lehman adored thoroughbred horses with a passion that flowed through his veins. He wasn’t just a casual fan – he was deeply devoted to these majestic animals. As the proud owner of a Kentucky Derby champion, he embodied equestrian excellence and sportsmanship. His commitment went beyond mere ownership; it was a lifelong dedication that showcased his unwavering admiration for their grace and power on the racetrack.

In prestigious races like the Kentucky Derby, Robert Lehman stood out among racing enthusiasts and industry insiders alike. His victories were not strokes of luck but reflections of his deep understanding of horse racing as both an art form and competitive sport. Winning stakes races such as the Correction Handicap and Long Island Handicap at Aqueduct Racetrack only reinforced his position as a strong presence in the world of horse racing.

Although many recognized Robert Lehman for his success in banking and philanthropy, those who truly knew him understood that horses held a special place in his heart. He didn’t passively watch them race; he felt every stride they took, every obstacle they overcame, and every victory they achieved. To him, each race resembled a symphony composed by hooves thundering down the track – harmonious yet fiercely competitive.

Celebrating Robert Lehman’s legacy means acknowledging his unparalleled contributions to American culture through his beloved horses. His impact extended beyond wins on the racetrack; it resonated with everyone who witnessed how much effort he invested in nurturing these magnificent animals’ talents while also leaving an unforgettable mark on history with each step towards greatness under his guidance


1. What inspired Robert Lehman's passion for thoroughbred horses and the equestrian world?

Robert Lehman loved thoroughbred horses and the equestrian world. He was inspired by his deep love for these amazing animals and his goal to succeed in horse racing. This led him to own a Kentucky Derby winner and win important races.

2. How did Robert Lehman's Kentucky Derby winner capture the hearts of racing enthusiasts?

Robert Lehman's horse that won the Kentucky Derby impressed racing fans with its amazing skills, elegance, and strong drive to win on the racetrack.

3. Can you share details about the training and preparation that led to Robert Lehman's Kentucky Derby victory?

Robert Lehman achieved victory at the Kentucky Derby by dedicating himself to rigorous training, thorough preparation, and a deep love for thoroughbred horses. His passion and hard work propelled him to the top of the equestrian world.

4. What other notable races has Robert Lehman's champion horse competed in besides the Kentucky Derby?

Robert Lehman's top horse has raced in famous events like the Correction Handicap and Long Island Handicap at Aqueduct Racetrack, proving its impressive achievements in the world of equestrian sports alongside running in the Kentucky Derby.

5. How did Robert Lehman celebrate his Kentucky Derby win and what impact did it have on his legacy in the horse racing community?

After winning the Kentucky Derby, Robert Lehman couldn't contain his excitement and satisfaction. His victory not only marked a major achievement in horse racing but also highlighted his unwavering passion for thoroughbred horses, securing his reputation as a dedicated and accomplished owner in the equestrian world.

6. In addition to the Kentucky Derby, what other prestigious victories has Robert Lehman achieved as a thoroughbred horse owner?

Robert Lehman not only won the Kentucky Derby, but he also triumphed in important races like the Correction Handicap and Long Island Handicap at Aqueduct Racetrack. These wins demonstrate his love for thoroughbred horses and how successful he is in this field.