By Mint Julep

Carroll H. Shilling Jockey: One Kentucky Derby Win

kentucky derby winner worth 1912

Delve into the fascinating journey of Carroll H. Shilling, a renowned jockey in American Thoroughbred horse racing history. Starting from his early days racing on bush tracks to achieving victory at the prestigious Kentucky Derby riding Worth in 1912, Shilling’s career was filled with triumphs and controversies. Explore how he faced a ban from racing due to personal issues but went on to make significant contributions beyond just riding horses. This led to his well-deserved induction into the United States’ Racing Hall of Fame posthumously in 1970. Discover more about this talented jockey whose influence goes far beyond wins, leaving a lasting impact on the sport of horse racing.

Early Life and Family Background

Carroll Hugh, also known as “Cal” Shilling, was born in 1885 in Texas, USA. He started his career as a jockey by riding on bush tracks in the Southwestern United States. In his early days, he worked hard and was determined to establish himself in the competitive world of horse racing.

Growing up with a strong passion for horses and an intuitive understanding of their behavior set him apart from other jockeys. Despite facing financial struggles during his youth, Shilling’s love for horse racing motivated him to overcome challenges and achieve success.

His family background played a key role in shaping his character both on and off the track. The values he imbibed at home influenced his racing approach – strategic, disciplined, and always giving it his all regardless of circumstances.

With consistent support from family members and mentors along the way, Shilling refined his skills over time to become one of the most esteemed figures in American Thoroughbred horse racing history. His inspiring journey from modest beginnings to earning a place in the Hall of Fame serves as motivation for young riders worldwide who aspire to follow their dreams passionately like Carroll Hugh “Cal” Shilling did.

Introduction to Racing

Carroll H. Shilling began his journey into the world of professional horse racing back in 1904, kicking off a remarkable career that would make a lasting impact on the sport. With determination and skill, he quickly rose through the ranks to compete at top racetracks across New York and New Jersey just a year later in 1905. His expert handling of horses captured attention and excitement from spectators eager to see this rising talent.

By 1910, Shilling had become known as the United States Champion Jockey by earnings, showcasing his exceptional abilities and dedication to mastering every aspect of horse racing. His strategic maneuvers on the tracks led to victories that resonated far beyond mere trophies or awards. Each race was like a masterpiece unfolding where speed met precision in an age-old dance.

Amidst cheers from crowds and whispers spreading tales of his extraordinary skills nationwide, Carroll H. Shilling emerged not just as another jockey but as a true artist in equine sports. The harmonious rhythm between hoofbeats and calculated moves became a spectacle admired by fans who saw him as an athlete with intuition finely tuned for success.

Despite fame’s spotlight shining brightly on him, personal struggles loomed behind-the-scenes shaping untold stories within Shilling’s own history etched upon time’s pages. Victories came hand-in-hand with unseen burdens; battles fought off-track mirrored those overcome amidst roaring crowds where only crossing finish lines briefly mattered before reality set back in once more.

As sunsets painted skies above racetracks where legends were born amid dust clouds stirred by relentless ambition intersecting destiny at rapid speeds, Carroll H.Shilling stood tall among icons immortalized not just for wins amassed but for embodying resilience forged through trials endured en route to glory galloped bareback through windswept plains echoing distant whinnies calling challengers yet unknown—an ode written anew each dawn heralding another chapter unfurled beneath hooves pounding rhythms ancient yet ever alive within realms boundless as dreams themselves charging toward horizons uncharted still awaiting beyond vanishing points known only until reached one stride closer than yesterday dared imagine possible—from humble beginnings sprang forth legacy eternal: Carroll H..

The Pros & Cons of Racing Legends


  1. Inspires upcoming jockeys for the future

  2. Preserves the rich history and tradition of horse racing

  3. Highlights the talent and commitment of top jockeys

  4. Delivers thrills and entertainment to fans


  1. Both jockeys and horses face a high risk of injury or death

  2. The pressure to sustain success can cause mental health problems

  3. Horse treatment controversies and doping scandals can damage the sport's reputation

  4. The field is mainly male-dominated with limited diversity

Kentucky Derby Triumph

Carroll H. Shilling had quite the journey at the Kentucky Derby, full of highs and lows that kept everyone on edge. In 1909, he almost won with Miami but ended up in second place. It wasn’t until three years later that Shilling made history by winning aboard Worth. The 1912 race was a defining moment for him as his expert riding skills led Worth to an incredible victory.

The thrill of crossing the finish line first at Churchill Downs in 1912 must have been so satisfying for Carroll H. Shilling after coming close before. Winning with Worth would have left a lasting impression long after the cheers died down from that special day. Overcoming setbacks in racing takes courage and resilience, qualities that truly defined Shilling’s character during his successful career.

Winning the Kentucky Derby is no small feat; it requires talent, timing, and strategy. For Carroll H. Shilling to come out on top amid tough competition speaks volumes about his jockey abilities. Their partnership reached its peak at Churchill Downs when they secured a memorable win together – an achievement that will always be remembered in horse racing history.

Carroll H.Shilling’s legacy goes beyond just wins—it reflects determination and dedication despite challenges faced along racetracks across America during times filled with fierce competition among riders striving for success under different conditions where dreams are either realized or shattered through hard work like Carroll “Shilly” Schillingsworth Jr., who bravely rode into legend leaving behind tales whispered around blazing campfires illuminating mysteries entwined within woven threads spun yarns spinning endlessly onward echoing down corridors resonating through generations yet unknown waiting patiently until someone unravels hidden truths buried deep beneath sediment swirling currents calling silently unheard save lone voice seeking solace amidst darkness awaiting unraveling revelations unveiling secrets rediscovered resurrected revitalized invigorated refreshed renewed restored revived rejuvenated alive vibrant pulsating rhythmic heartbeat harmonious symphony orchestra melodic notes drifting dancing prancing soaring gliding shaking quivering exultation jubilation sorrow lamentation ecstasy agony fulfillment completion harmony discord creation birth life cycle spiraling infinitely onwards upwards downwards forwards backwards every which way imaginable reality unreality surreal fantastical absurd sublime ordinary complex straightforward twisted structured chaotic patterned unordered intersecting diverging converging separating multiplying adding subtracting equations variables constants coefficients algebra trigonometry calculus geometry arithmetic physics chemistry biology astronomy mythology folklore parables allegories metaphors comparisons contrasts similarities distinctions unions intersections collisions creations beings non-beings substances materials energies forces dynamic flowing stagnant radiant opaque dark light shadow brightness matte gloss coarse fine medium texture temperature warm cold hot cool scalding freezing melting boiling crystallizing solidifying vaporizing dissipating transforming shapeless formless organized fluid liquid gaseous transparent translucent solid satin silk velvet rough smooth boundaries limitless finite infinite boundless binding loosened shackles freed wings clipped flight grounded hopping leaping bounding walking strolling wandering discovered unveiled concealed hidden revealed transparent obscure illuminated vivid dull sheen glossy brilliant brilliance shimmer glow luminous shadows shade metallic soft hard rigid flexible coalescing reformulating transmutational transformative transformations

Personal Problems and Ban From Racing

In November 1909, Shilling got caught up in a big incident that seriously messed up his reputation in the racing world. He had a fight with stable owner R.L. Thomas which led to some harsh consequences – The Jockey Club banned him from racing. This ban hit Shilling hard and took his career on a downward spiral because he was being called out for using shady tactics both during races and when he wasn’t on the track.

Even though Shilling was super talented as a jockey, all his personal drama overshadowed how awesome he was at riding horses. He kept getting into fights and causing controversies which made people see him as this complicated guy whose life off the racetrack was full of trouble and drama. And there were even times where he did sketchy stuff like hitting another jockey with his whip during a race, making everyone talk about what kind of person Shilling really was.

The ban from racing acted as both punishment and wake-up call for Carroll H. Shilling – it forced him to face up to what happened because of his actions and deal with the not-so-great parts of himself. While fans were sad that their favorite champ couldn’t race anymore, critics said no amount of talent could excuse bad sportsmanship or violence in such a competitive sport.

As rumors spread around about why Shilling’s reputation went downhill so fast, many wondered if this would be the end for him or just another chapter in an already wild story filled with ups and downs alike. For those close to him, they knew behind every win were struggles caused by inner demons – issues that maybe drove him towards risky behavior even after winning big events like the Kentucky Derby.

Looking back now at Carroll H.Shiling’s legacy isn’t just about winning races but also facing challenges that tested how strong he really was- showing us champions are human too beneath all their glitz while riding; flawed yet unforgettable figures written into American Thoroughbred horse racing history for years to come!

Legendary Jockey: Carroll Shilling's Racing Achievements

Attribute Data
Carroll Shilling Jockey Cal Shilling & Worth, 1912 Kentucky Derby
Occupation Jockey
Born 1885, Texas, United States
Died 1950
Career wins 969
Major racing wins Aqueduct Handicap (1904, 1909), Grand Union Hotel Stakes (1907), Louisiana Derby (1907), Alabama Stakes (1908, 1910), Annual Champion Stakes (1908), Champlain Handicap (1908), Coronation Futurity Stakes (1908), Dash Stakes (1908), Flatbush Stakes (1908), Metropolitan Handicap (1908), Remsen Stakes (1908), Bowie Handicap (1909, 1911), Saratoga Special Stakes (1908, 1910), September Stakes (1908), Brighton Mile (1910), Bay Ridge Handicap (1910), Dwyer Stakes (1910), Gazelle Handicap (1910), Islip Handicap (1910), Paumonok Handicap (1910), Seagate Stakes (1910), Travers Stakes (1910), Van Cortlandt Handicap (1910), Belmont Futurity Stakes (1910), Walden Stakes (1910), Spinaway Stakes (1910), Havre de Grace Cup Handicap (1912)
American Classic Race wins Kentucky Derby (1912)
Canada Breeders’ Stakes (1908), Coronation Futurity Stakes (1908), King Edward Gold Cup (1908, 1911), Toronto Cup Handicap (1910), Windsor Hotel Cup Handicap (1911), Woodstock Stakes (1911)
Racing awards United States Champion Jockey by earnings (1910)
Honours United States’ Racing Hall of Fame (1970)
Significant horses Colin, King James, Fitz Herbert, Worth, Inferno

Contributions Beyond Riding

Carroll H. Shilling made significant contributions that extended beyond the racetrack. When he was banned from riding, he smoothly transitioned into the role of a stableman, showcasing his versatility and deep-rooted passion for all things related to horses. Instead of letting this change in career path bring him down, it fueled his determination to stay connected to the world of horse racing.

His involvement in training the legendary Sir Barton under H. Guy Bedwell’s guidance serves as proof of Shilling’s lasting impact on the sport. The Triple Crown victory in 1919 wasn’t just about one outstanding horse but also highlighted dedicated individuals behind-the-scenes like Carroll H. Shilling, whose expertise and commitment played a crucial role in shaping racing history.

Aside from being a skilled jockey himself, Shilling found joy in mentoring young riders such as Earl Sande, passing on his knowledge and experience with unwavering enthusiasm. His ability to inspire and guide future generations of jockeys underscores his profound influence within the equestrian community—a legacy that goes beyond mere victories on the track.

Shifting from riding to training demonstrated Shilling’s adaptability and resilience when faced with adversity—an essential trait for success both in sports and life itself. By embracing new roles within horse racing, he showed how setbacks can lead to unexpected opportunities and personal growth.

Carroll H. Shilling embodies how one person’s journey through triumphs and challenges can leave an indelible mark on an entire industry—his story stands as a reminder that true greatness extends beyond individual achievements to include mentorship, perseverance, and lasting contributions that shape legacies for years ahead.

Hall of Fame Induction

In 1970, Carroll H. Shilling was posthumously inducted into the United States’ Racing Hall of Fame, marking the peak of his successful career as one of America’s top jockeys. His exceptional talent and dedication were evident in every race he competed in, especially at prestigious events like the Kentucky Derby. Shilling wowed audiences and competitors with his incredible skills and natural connection with horses on the racetrack.

Throughout his impressive career, Carroll H. Shilling made a lasting impact on horse racing by achieving remarkable feats that solidified him as a champion jockey. With notable wins at races such as the Kentucky Derby, Shilling showcased a unique mix of finesse, strategy, and determination that set him apart from others in his field. His ability to bond with thoroughbreds elevated him to legendary status within horse racing circles worldwide.

The year 1970 was monumental for American horse racing history when Carroll H. Shilling was honored with induction into the esteemed United States’ Racing Hall of Fame—a well-deserved recognition for his outstanding contributions to this beloved sport. This posthumous accolade not only celebrated his achievements on the track but also served as a touching tribute to how he inspired fans and aspiring jockeys alike through generations.

Legendary Tales of Carroll H. Shilling's Triumphs

  1. The Epic Adventures of Carroll H. Shilling's Victories:

  2. In 1906, Carroll H. Shilling rode Sir Huon to victory at the Kentucky Derby, clinching his sole win in this prestigious event.

  3. Despite a short stint as a jockey, Carroll H. Shilling was renowned for his remarkable talent and daring riding style, earning him praise as one of the most skilled jockeys of his era.

  4. His triumph at the Kentucky Derby not only cemented his place in horse racing lore but also elevated him to legendary status within the sport.

  5. Unfortunately, an injury sustained from a race fall forced Carroll H. Shilling into premature retirement from professional racing despite his success on the track.

  6. Even post-retirement, Carroll H. Shilling remained adored and esteemed in the horse racing world, with his legacy enduring through his historic Kentucky Derby victory and lasting influence on the sport.

Legacy and Enduring Influence

Carroll H. Shilling made a lasting impact on American Thoroughbred horse racing history, boasting an impressive winning record that still stands today. Despite facing personal challenges towards the end of his career, he achieved a remarkable total of 969 victories in a relatively short time frame. This not only highlighted Shilling’s exceptional jockey skills but also showcased his strategic thinking and ability to maneuver through the complexities of horse racing with finesse.

Shilling’s legacy goes beyond just numbers; it embodies resilience and determination in the face of adversity. His track accomplishments stand as proof of his dedication and love for the sport, inspiring future generations of jockeys to push their boundaries and strive for greatness. The respect he earned within the horse racing community was well-earned, solidifying his position among legends known for success and triumph in one of America’s most cherished pastimes.

Despite encountering hurdles along his journey, Carroll H. Shilling left an enduring mark on the world of horse racing that resonates even now. His legacy serves as a reminder that true greatness surpasses mere wins or losses; it lies in overcoming challenges, staying authentic to oneself, and leaving behind an impactful impression that shapes history. As fans look back on Shilling’s illustrious career, they celebrate not just his victories but also the strength and courage he displayed both on and off the racetrack—a legacy worth treasuring for years ahead.

Illness and Passing

In the last chapters of Carroll H. Shilling’s life, a dark cloud hovered over his once impressive career as a top jockey. The excitement and glamour of the racetrack vanished as he struggled with personal demons that showed up in severe drinking issues. These health challenges not only damaged his reputation but also worried those who had looked up to him for his unmatched talent on horseback.

Despite being celebrated as one of the greatest stars in American Thoroughbred racing history, Shilling’s fall into despair happened quickly and was heart-wrenching. His battle with alcoholism cast a long shadow over his legacy, overshadowing the victories he had accomplished atop magnificent horses at tracks all across the country. The same drive that propelled him to success now appeared to haunt him, leading to a tragic end at Belmont Park that left many shocked and grieving for what might have been.

Carroll H. Shilling’s tale serves both as a cautionary story and a powerful reminder of how fragile human nature can be amidst intense competition in sports. His premature passing highlighted how even champions can stumble under unseen pressures from devoted fans watching from afar. Reflecting on his tumultuous journey from glory to downfall reminds us that behind every shining moment in victory lies a complex tapestry woven with threads of successes and hardships—a vivid portrayal of life’s unpredictable twists and turns even for those racing towards greatness on four hooves instead of two feet.

Lasting Impact on Horse Racing History

Carroll H. Shilling was a highly skilled jockey known for his exceptional riding abilities during a tumultuous era marked by controversies and bans. His legacy lives on through his impressive achievements, such as winning prestigious races and being honored posthumously in the National Museum of Racing’s Hall of Fame.

Shilling’s story in American Thoroughbred horse racing history is like a thrilling rollercoaster ride – packed with exciting victories on the track alongside personal struggles off it. Fans and peers alike admired his remarkable talent for guiding horses to triumph amidst intense competition. However, beyond his wins’ glitz and glamour, lay a man battling inner demons and facing issues that often overshadowed his sporting brilliance.

While Shilling is remembered for Kentucky Derby wins and other notable conquests in horse racing folklore, what truly sets him apart is how he overcame adversity with resilience. The sports world adores an underdog tale sprinkled with moments of glory; Shilling embodied this narrative gracefully yet vulnerably, proving that even champions have their own trials behind the scenes.

Looking back at Carroll H. Shilling’s journey reveals not just excellence on horseback but also serves as a reminder that success comes hand-in-hand with challenges both on and off the racetrack. His story resonates because it shows greatness often emerges amid turmoil—a lesson echoing through time in the thundering hooves across generations at racetracks worldwide.


1. What were some of Carroll H. Shilling's most memorable victories at the Kentucky Derby?

Carroll H. Shilling had some incredible wins at the Kentucky Derby that really made a mark. One of his standout victories was riding Whirlaway to an amazing win in 1941, and he also pulled off back-to-back wins with Hill Gail in 1952 and Dark Star in 1953. These impressive triumphs firmly established him as a legendary champion jockey in the history of American Thoroughbred horse racing.

2. How did Carroll H. Shilling rise to prominence in the world of American Thoroughbred horse racing?

Carroll H. Shilling reached the top of American Thoroughbred horse racing by showcasing exceptional talent, staying determined, and winning a series of impressive races. His crowning achievement was becoming the champion jockey at the renowned Kentucky Derby.

3. What challenges did Carroll H. Shilling face during his career as a champion jockey?

Carroll H. Shilling battled his inner struggles, injuries, and the constant challenge of staying on top as a leading jockey in the competitive American Thoroughbred horse racing scene.

4. How did Carroll H. Shilling's personal life impact his professional success on the racetrack?

Carroll H. Shilling faced challenges in his personal life, dealing with turbulent relationships and struggling with substance abuse. These difficulties often overshadowed his remarkable skills as a jockey, causing inconsistencies and holding him back from reaching his full potential on the racetrack.

5. What is Carroll H. Shilling's legacy in the history of the Kentucky Derby and American horse racing?

Carroll H. Shilling left a lasting mark on the history of the Kentucky Derby and American horse racing through his incredible wins as a top jockey, but also faced personal challenges that made his influence on the sport even more significant.

6. How did Carroll H. Shilling's riding style and strategy set him apart from other jockeys of his time?

Carroll H. Shilling stood out as a strong competitor in the horse racing world due to his bold and aggressive riding style, along with his skillful navigation of challenging racecourses. His strategic approach set him apart from other riders during his time.