By Mint Julep

Kentucky Derby Winner Count Fleet 1943

kentucky derby winner count fleet 1943

Step into the world of Thoroughbred racing greatness alongside Count Fleet, the iconic champion who triumphed at the 1943 Kentucky Derby. Discover his incredible journey from a talented young colt to a dominant force on the Churchill Downs track, culminating in an unforgettable victory that cemented his status as one of the greatest racehorses ever known. Experience firsthand the strategic brilliance of his team, witness owner Fannie Hertz’s unwavering commitment, and appreciate the lasting impact he made on horse racing history.

**early Life and Family Background**

In 1940, Count Fleet was born as a remarkable Thoroughbred racehorse. He came from a prestigious lineage that could be traced back to the esteemed Reigh Count. This ancestry gave him exceptional speed and endurance, along with an aura of greatness that would define his racing career.

Count Fleet’s proud owner, Fannie Hertz, saw his incredible potential early on and entrusted his training to the skilled Gregory Duncan Cameron. Under Cameron’s guidance, this talented colt refined his natural abilities with meticulous care and unwavering dedication.

Growing up in Kentucky’s lush fields, Count Fleet absorbed the thrill of horse racing at a young age. His graceful strides and boundless enthusiasm for competition quickly set him apart as a rising star in Thoroughbred racing circles.

Fate brought jockey Johnny Longden into Count Fleet’s life as their destined partner on the road to glory. Their bond went beyond just rider-horse camaraderie; it was a harmonious union built on mutual respect and shared dreams of victory.

The combined talents of Fannie Hertz as the visionary owner, Gregory Duncan Cameron as the masterful trainer, Johnny Longden as the skilled jockey, and Count Fleet as the extraordinary racehorse all came together in perfect harmony at Churchill Downs during that historic 69th running of the Kentucky Derby in 1943 – resulting in an unforgettable triumph.

**road to the Kentucky Derby**

In 1943, Count Fleet was the top pick for the Kentucky Derby after being named the best two-year-old colt in 1942. Racing fans had high hopes for him. Even though he got hurt before the Derby during the Wood Memorial Stakes, his strength and talent were undeniable. This made him a tough competitor against horses like Ocean Wave and Blue Swords.

As excitement grew for Count Fleet’s race at Churchill Downs, people both doubted and admired him. The stakes were huge – this race wasn’t just any ordinary one; it was a moment that would go down in horse racing history next to legendary races from years past.

Count Fleet’s team played a big part in getting him ready for glory with their smart planning and strong belief in their horse. Their decisions were precise and purposeful, which led to an impressive performance on race day.

When Count Fleet raced down the homestretch at Churchill Downs that important day in 1943, he didn’t just win; he dominated. It seemed as if some kind of magic guided his hooves as they moved effortlessly across the track, leaving spectators amazed and rivals far behind.

Count Fleet’s victory at the 1943 Kentucky Derby is proof of natural talent combined with hard work paying off. His story continues to inspire jockeys, trainers, and fans today – showing us all that true greatness isn’t just about winning races but also capturing hearts and sparking passions that last through time.

The Pros & Cons of Racing Legends


  1. Motivates upcoming generations of fans in horse racing

  2. Demonstrates the remarkable athleticism and expertise of horses and jockeys

  3. Offers an exciting and enjoyable sport for spectators

  4. Showcases the deep-rooted history and customs of horse racing

  5. Honors the accomplishments and enduring legacy of iconic racehorses


  1. Horses and jockeys face a high risk of getting hurt during races

  2. People worry about how well animals are treated in horse racing

  3. The big rewards at stake can tempt people to act unethically or cheat

  4. Expecting horses to always perform their best might harm them

  5. There isn't enough variety in the kinds of people who take part in this sport

**unique Race Conditions**

The 1943 Kentucky Derby, also known as the “Street-car Derby,” took place at Churchill Downs in unique circumstances. Colonel Matt Winn made a smart call to limit attendance to local fans due to wartime restrictions. This decision created an intimate atmosphere with around 60,000 enthusiastic spectators cheering for their favorite horses.

One standout contender was Count Fleet, a stunning chestnut colt owned by John D. Hertz and trained by Don Cameron. Count Fleet had already shown exceptional talent in previous races and came into the Derby with high hopes riding on him. The excitement surrounding Count Fleet only grew as he entered the track on that momentous day at Churchill Downs.

When the race began and the gates swung open, Count Fleet exploded out with incredible speed and determination, leaving his rivals far behind. Jockey Johnny Longden expertly guided him through each stride with precision and finesse, showcasing their seamless teamwork destined for success.

Count Fleet’s team displayed strategic brilliance during the 1943 Kentucky Derby where every move seemed carefully planned for maximum impact. Their meticulous training paid off as they executed flawlessly on race day like a well-coordinated symphony of speed and skill.

Looking back now, Count Fleet’s victory at the 1943 Kentucky Derby remains a testament to his enduring legacy in horse racing history—a prime example of remarkable talent combined with impeccable teamwork that captured hearts globally. His outstanding performance continues to be celebrated worldwide by fans who acknowledge him as one of Churchill Down’s greatest champions ever seen on its revered grounds.

**dominant Victory**

The 1943 Kentucky Derby was a defining moment for Count Fleet, showcasing his exceptional talent in the world of horse racing. Against all odds and competitors, this magnificent stallion displayed sheer dominance on the hallowed grounds of Churchill Downs. Despite a brief challenge from Gold Shower, Count Fleet’s power surged under jockey Johnny Longden’s expert guidance.

His victory wasn’t just a win; it was a display of strategic brilliance combined with raw talent and unwavering determination. Spectators were left in awe as he effortlessly outpaced his rivals, creating legends that would be passed down through generations. Each step taken by Count Fleet seemed to leave an indelible mark on history, solidifying his status as one who transcended competition to embody perfection itself.

Even today, the legacy created by Count Fleet remains strong—a reminder of what can happen when skill meets opportunity perfectly aligned. His three-length triumph over Blue Swords went beyond mere victory at the finish line; it shattered boundaries both real and imagined, proving that greatness is not just achieved but fully embraced by those destined for eternal glory among champions forever roaming free.

69th Kentucky Derby Top 10 Finishers Snapshot

Finished Post Horse Jockey Trainer Owner Time / behind
1st 5 Count Fleet Johnny Longden Gregory Duncan Cameron Fannie Hertz 2:04 0/0
2nd 1 Blue Swords Johnny Adams Walter A. Kelley Allen T. Simmons 3 lengths
3rd 2 Slide Rule Conn McCreary Cecil Wilhelm William Boeing 6 lengths
4th 7 Amber Light Alfred M. Robertson Jack C. Hodgins Dixiana 5 lengths
5th 6 Bankrupt Ferril Zufelt Howard Wells Townsend B. Martin 1/2 lengths
6th 10 No Wrinkles Raymond Adair Roy Waldron Milky Way Farm Stable 1+1/2 lengths
7th 4 Dove Pie Wendell Eads Dave Robb McDaniel J. Warfield Rodgers head
8th 9 Gold Shower Ted Atkinson James W. Healy Vera S. Bragg 3 lengths
9th 3 Modest Lad Charles Swain Eddie Coates Mrs. Henry L. Finch 10 lengths
10th 8 Burnt Cork Manual Gonzalez Anthony E. Silver Eddie Anderson 8 lengths

**post-derby Success**

After winning the 1943 Kentucky Derby, Count Fleet continued to excel in his racing career. His impressive performances on the track established him as one of the top racehorses of his era. Following his triumph at Churchill Downs with outstanding speed and elegance, Count Fleet amazed audiences with wins at prestigious races throughout the country.

As he raced towards success, Count Fleet captivated spectators who marveled at his talent and determination. With each stride, he seemed to effortlessly outshine his competitors. It appeared as if destiny had singled him out for greatness, guiding him towards a path filled with victories that would secure his place in horse racing history.

The dedicated team behind Count Fleet played a crucial role in shaping his extraordinary legacy. From skilled trainers who developed his abilities to committed jockeys who expertly guided him through each race, every member worked together seamlessly like a well-coordinated unit propelling their champion forward. Their unwavering dedication and strategic thinking were key factors that fueled Count Fleet’s ongoing success on the racetrack.

Count Fleet’s dominance on the tracks was not just about winning races; it was about inspiring future generations. His memorable performances turned into legendary stories passed from one enthusiast to another—tales brimming with bravery, perseverance, and unyielding spirit that sparked a love for horse racing in countless hearts worldwide. Over time, Count Fleet stood not only as a symbol of victory but also as an emblem of hope for dreamers willing to chase their own goals against all odds.

**legacy of Count Fleet**

Count Fleet’s win at the 1943 Kentucky Derby was a major highlight in his already impressive career and solidified his place as a legendary figure in horse racing. His performance not only showcased his incredible talent but also highlighted the exceptional skills of those who trained and managed him.

Known affectionately as The Count, he left a lasting impact on the sport with an astounding victory by an impressive six-length margin – a record that remained unbroken for more than 47 years until Secretariat made history with an outstanding run in 1973. This remarkable achievement established Count Fleet as one of the greatest racehorses ever known, celebrated for his speed, agility, and relentless determination on the racetrack.

His triumph at Churchill Downs wasn’t just about winning one race; it was a display of sheer dominance that captured audiences’ attention and inspired generations of aspiring jockeys, trainers, and fans alike. The strategic brilliance behind Count Fleet’s success lay not only in his natural ability but also in the meticulous planning and execution by his dedicated team who perfected his skills leading up to that historic day.

The legacy of Count Fleet lives on through stories shared time and again around stables and racetracks worldwide – serving as a reminder of what can be accomplished when talent meets dedication and unwavering commitment. His tale is both inspiring and aspirational for individuals striving for excellence within horse racing or any other pursuit where greatness is pursued tirelessly.

Legendary Tales of Count Fleet's Triumphs and Myths

  1. Epic Stories of Count Fleet's Victories and Tales:

  2. Smash Hit at the Kentucky Derby: Back in 1943, Count Fleet clinched a jaw-dropping win at the famous Kentucky Derby with a whopping lead of 8 lengths. This set an unbeaten record for the biggest victory margin ever seen in that race – a remarkable achievement that remains unmatched even today.

  3. Triple Crown Domination: Following his stunning triumph at the Kentucky Derby, Count Fleet continued his winning streak by conquering both the Preakness Stakes and Belmont Stakes inThese outstanding performances firmly established him as one of the greatest racehorses to grace history.

  4. The Speed Legend of Count Fleet: Rumor has it that Count Fleet possessed extraordinary speed, with some whispers suggesting he could breeze through a mile in just 1 minute and 34 seconds! This incredible tale only added to his mystique and left fans mesmerized by his exceptional abilities.

  5. Undefeated Season Sweep: Throughout all six races he competed in during his career, Count Fleet emerged victorious every single time – showcasing unrivaled skill that earned him a spot among horse racing legends known far and wide.

  6. The Enduring Legacy of Count Fleet: Decades following his retirement from racing, Count Fleet's legacy continues to captivate enthusiasts across generations with its tales of triumphs against all odds. His name symbolizes greatness in every sense, serving as inspiration for those who cherish stories of fierce competition and unwavering excellence on the racetrack.

**owner’s Influence**

Fannie Hertz, the respected owner of Count Fleet, breathed new life into his racing career through her unwavering dedication and support. Her deep passion for horse racing was a driving force behind every smart decision that helped propel Count Fleet to success on the track.

It was Fannie’s sharp eye for talent that first spotted the exceptional potential within Count Fleet. With her guidance and expertise, she carefully nurtured his skills from a young age, shaping him into the strong competitor he eventually became.

Her strong commitment to excellence set a high standard in horse racing circles, showing her firm belief in Count Fleet’s abilities. This determination paved their way to victory at Churchill Downs in 1943.

Beyond mere ownership, Fannie Hertz’s influence touched every part of Count Fleet’s training and race preparation. Her keen management skills ensured that every detail received careful attention as they worked towards success.

The lasting impact of Fannie Hertz on Count Fleet speaks volumes about her devotion to the sport and its participants. Through visionary leadership and relentless pursuit of excellence, she secured both her name and Count Fleet’s place in horse racing history books.

**historical Significance**

The 1943 Kentucky Derby win by Count Fleet was a game-changer in horse racing history. It showed how exceptional talent and smart training could lead to huge success on one of the sport’s biggest stages – Churchill Downs, during America’s wartime era.

Count Fleet, trained by Don Cameron and ridden by jockey Johnny Longden, put on a flawless performance throughout the race. The colt took an early lead, leaving his competitors far behind with his sheer dominance that amazed everyone watching. His incredible speed and endurance made him stand out as a real champion among champions.

As he raced towards victory down the final stretch, Count Fleet widened the gap between himself and the rest of the field effortlessly. Each powerful stride he took solidified his place in history as one of Churchill Downs’ greatest horses ever. His win wasn’t just impressive; it was like attending an equine masterclass that left a lasting impression on all who saw it live.

Looking back now, Count Fleet’s legacy shows what can happen through hard work and top-notch skills. His massive triumph goes beyond just winning; it represents perseverance and greatness when faced with tough times. Count Fleet’s story is both inspiring and a reminder that true legends are born from moments like those thrilling minutes at Churchill Downs in 1943 – where dreams turned into reality amidst thundering hooves and cheering crowds.


1. How did Count Fleet's victory at the 1943 Kentucky Derby solidify his place in horse racing history?

Count Fleet's win at the 1943 Kentucky Derby established him as a legendary champion in horse racing history. His incredible talent and strategic brilliance captured the hearts of fans, leaving behind a lasting legacy that still inspires admiration and respect today.

2. What made Count Fleet's performance at the 1943 Kentucky Derby so exceptional compared to other racehorses of his time?

In the 1943 Kentucky Derby, Count Fleet stood out with his incredible speed, endurance, and total control of the race track. He displayed unmatched talent and smart tactics that made him a standout among other horses of his time. This performance firmly established him as a legendary figure in the history of horse racing.

3. Who were the key figures behind Count Fleet's success at the 1943 Kentucky Derby, and what role did they play in his triumph?

Don Cameron, the renowned trainer, Johnny Longden, the skilled jockey, and Count Fleet himself were the key players who made history at the 1943 Kentucky Derby. Count Fleet's exceptional talent and unwavering determination led to a remarkable victory that secured their places in horse racing history books forever.

4. How did Count Fleet's win at the 1943 Kentucky Derby impact the future of horse racing and influence subsequent generations of racehorses?

Count Fleet's impressive win at the 1943 Kentucky Derby not only made him a legendary racehorse but also motivated upcoming generations of racehorses to aim for success on the track.

5. What records did Count Fleet set during his victorious run at the 1943 Kentucky Derby, and how do they still stand as a testament to his unparalleled talent?

Count Fleet broke the records for winning by the biggest margin in Kentucky Derby history, coming in 8 lengths ahead. He ran a mile and a quarter faster than anyone else before, finishing in just 2 minutes and 1 second. Count Fleet is also the only horse to win all three Triple Crown races without ever losing a race himself – showing off his incredible talent and making history in horse racing that will never be forgotten.

6. In what ways has Count Fleet's legacy endured in the world of horse racing since his historic triumph at the 1943 Kentucky Derby?

Count Fleet's lasting impact lives on in the horse racing realm thanks to his historic win at the 1943 Kentucky Derby. His incredible skills and smart tactics still wow fans and experts, serving as a source of inspiration for all involved in the sport.